Step Right Up! Improve Your Financial Future and Enter to Win a Prize!

Welcome to the DCP City Fair’s Financial Wellness Assessment - a curated experience designed to help you understand and enhance your financial health. It's time to test your financial prowess and have some fun along the way!

Roll up your sleeves and dive in by completing your personalized Financial Wellness Assessment. This tool reveals insights into your habits and helps guide you towards a healthier financial future.

Upon logging into your account at, you’ll encounter six areas within the Financial Wellness Assessment:

  1. Protection - Do you have the safety net you need to safeguard your financial future?

  2. Spending & Savings - Can you balance the seesaw of spending and saving like a true financial acrobat?

  3. Emergency Fund - Dance your way towards a sturdy emergency fund for those unexpected twists and turns of life.

  4. Retirement Savings - Perform the ultimate juggling act by securing your retirement dreams.

  5. Debt – Learn how to manage and conquer any debt challenges thrown your way.

  6. Personal Goals – Aim and shoot for the stars by setting and achieving your personal financial goals.

But that's not all! When you complete the Financial Wellness Assessment, you'll receive a Financial Wellness score - an indicator of your financial health. Plus, the DCP City Fair offers a delightful surprise: each participant who takes the assessment and attests to it by providing their contact information below will be entered into a prize raffle!

Come one, come all, and let the fun and financial wisdom begin! Remember, the DCP City Fair is open for a limited time, so make sure to participate and take your shot at winning a prize in October. But don’t worry, the Financial Wellness Assessment itself will remain available for you - check in periodically thereafter to see if your score changes over time. Get ready to take charge of your financial future and uncover the magic of financial wellness!

Get started now

Begin by clicking the orange LOGIN button at the top right corner of this screen. Once logged in, click My Financial Wellness from the Financial Wellness dropdown menu at the top of your account homepage. Once you complete the assessment, head right back to this page and enter your contact information below for your chance to be one of the fifty (50) winners!

Good luck!

Eric Lan