boost your savings with Percent-of-Pay

Consider our new percent-of-pay contribution feature! Small ongoing increases to your contributions can make a big difference down the road. This feature helps you ensure that as your pay increases, so will the amount you contribute to your account. And by proactively increasing your savings, you won’t need to try to catch up at the end of your career. You can find the percent-of-pay contribution feature by signing in here and navigating to Contributions & Savings > Manage Contributions > Update My Contributions. You can also find it by using the Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP)'s Retirement Calculator.

If you’re already contributing a fixed dollar amount, you can use the calculator below to see how your current contributions translate to percent-of-pay!

Complete the empty blue fields and click "calculate" to see what percentage of your income you're contributing to your DCP account.

Description Data Entry
Your Hourly Rate*$
Bi-Weekly Pre-Tax Contribution$
Bi-Weekly After Tax (Roth) Contribution$
Contribution as Percent of Pay     %

Enter only numeric values (no commas), using decimal points where needed. Non-numeric values will cause errors.

*Your hourly rate is provided on your pay stub, which can be found in D-Time when you click My Pay Check.
You can also take your bi-weekly gross pay (without overtime, bonuses, etc.) and divide by 80 hours.