Local Support for All Your Needs!


We take pride in providing you with personalized support through our local representatives.

Our Local Retirement Counselors can help you make the most of your DCP benefits by assisting with enrollment, rollovers, catch-up contributions, investment options, and near-retirement planning. DCP Local Retirement Counselors are based out of our office in Room 867 of City Hall.

In response to Mayor Garcetti's directives regarding COVID-19 safety precautions, our office at City Hall is closed until further notice. But we’re still here for you!


New DCP Email Address

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. Our new DCP email address is:



You can contact us in any of the following ways:

1) Call us at 213-978-1601.

2) Email us at LA457@lacity.org.

3) Schedule a Zoom appointment with a Local Retirement Counselor here.

  • Tips for a Successful Zoom Appointment:

    • While you can join a Zoom meeting from your browser, in the interest of avoiding browser limitations, you can also download the application. Head over to Zoom in your browser. The platform is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. The layout will be slightly different depending on whether you are on a desktop or mobile device. 

    • Make sure your device has a camera and microphone. Most smart phones will work just fine. 

    • We recommend you connect to a strong WIFI signal for a Zoom call, especially if you have a limited mobile data plan.

4) Attend our DCP Virtual Meetings on the third Wednesday of every month from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm beginning in October for a discussion on DCP hot topics. Feel free to bring your own questions! For a list of topics and dates, please click here.

LA 457Local