Ring in the New Year with a retirement checkup!

Happy New Year!

With every New Year, you have the chance to start fresh and change something for the better. Is getting “serious” about your retirement planning and long-term financial goals on your resolution list for 2023?

CHeck your 2023 contribution limit

While most resolutions fade over time, having very clear financial goals and regularly checking in on your progress can help to make your retirement dreams a retirement reality. Having the confidence to retire on your terms means having enough monthly retirement income to fund your future. This year, the IRS has increased your retirement savings contribution limits to help you maximize your money so you can retire well. Visit LA457.com/contributions for more information about the annual contribution limits.

Reach out to a local retirement counselor

Remember, how much you contribute towards retirement each paycheck and how your retirement account assets are invested are up to you. You’re not alone in the retirement planning process, though. Start by thinking about your spending habits to determine if there are opportunities to spend less and save more. For questions about your retirement saving or investment strategy, schedule a personal appointment with a local Retirement Counselor by calling 213-978-1601 or visiting LA457.com/contact-us.

This year, focus more on your future self. It may be the best reason to celebrate this season. Here’s to saving more in 2023!

Eric Lan