NRSM 2022 — City of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation Plan

Bon Appétit!

2022 National Retirement Security Month

Welcome to National Retirement Security Month (NRSM) 2022 with the City of Los Angeles Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP)! Join us as we take you on a culinary and financial journey through LA, with new prizes, activities, and fresh DCP learning opportunities each week.

Check out this week’s special “menu” below!






Have you thought about starting a “side-hustle” to boost your income before or during retirement? Kathy Kristof has answers for that and much more. Watch our exclusive interview with this award-winning journalist and founder of for a discussion about how to weather the current economic storm and ways to make more money in or out of retirement.

Kathy Kristof is editor, founder and CEO of, an online community that is dedicated to researching, reviewing and rating more than 450 online platforms that allow workers and retirees to make money on the side. Kristof is also an award-winning finance journalist writing for a variety of publications including the Los Angeles Times, CBS News, Kiplinger, Reuters, and Forbes among others. She's the author of three books, "Investing 101," "Taming the Tuition Tiger" and "Kathy Kristof's Complete Guide to Dollars and Sense”.

Main Course: Name that LA Restaurant!

How well do you know your LA-area restaurants? Try your hand at the quiz below and you’ll be entered to win this week’s prize! Good luck!


Hungry for some learning?

We have two informative Money Matters sessions in the works just for you! Join us on October 12th for information on how to enroll and make the most of your DCP benefits. On October 19th, we’ll discuss the robust financial wellness tools available that can help you achieve financial peace of mind.

APpetizer: SOCIAL Media

Stay connected with the DCP and get all the latest NRSM “menu” updates by joining our social media networks below!

Check out our most recent social media posts:

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Let’s do some good and stay connected with our community. Each week we’ll spotlight a new local LA food bank that we can all get involved with.

Check out this week’s food bank spotlight below!


 MEET THE CHEFS: retirement counselor Q&A

Did you know that the DCP offers a team of local retirement counselors that can work with you to help you achieve your retirement goals? Each week we’ll be sharing a Q&A with our “retirement chefs” so you can get to know them better.

Check out this week’s “Chef” below!

DESSERT: prizes

Engagement Activity 1

  • Stainless Cutlery Set in Case (50 Winners)

Engagement Activity 2

  • Bamboo Cutting Board (50 Winners)

Engagement Activity 3

  • Bamboo Kitchen Tool Set (50 Winners)

Engagement Activity 4

  • Lunch bag and container set (50 Winners)

Grand Prize!

  • Backpack Picnic Set (10 Winners)

Official Rules

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